A note from Carleton University's GSA:
A demonstration, organized by Carleton Students and members of the Ottawa community, is being held
to bring attention to Carleton's stance on sexual assault and ask for a sexual assault support centre.
THE DEMONSTRATION WILL BEGIN AT 2:30PM ON MONDAY, AUGUST 17TH in the atrium of the University Centre.
Demonstrators will march to the CU's administration offices to present petitions and opposition letters.
A march will ensue to the Bronson/Sunnyside entrance for a rally.
The purpose of the rally is to draw attention to Carleton University and their stance on sexual assault on campus. There will be handbills for distribution to cars parked at the intersection and to pedestrians.
Demonstrators are encouraged to bring large bold signs that are easily seen by rush hour traffic.
For more information on how to get involved with this issue, please contact GSA President,
Kimalee Phillip at pres@gsacarleton.ca. And for further information on this issue, join the Facebook group “Carleton University’s Views on Sexual Assault Do Not Represent Me”.